Phillip Island – Camp 2018

On the 1st of August, years 5 and 6 went to Phillip Island Adventure Resort. When we arrived, everyone got put into their cabins. The people in my cabin were my friends Adam, Baahes and Wael. We also got put into our groups. Baahes (My friend from my cabin) was in my group. The teacher was Mr. Orhan. We first went on the Circotron. To describe it, I’d say, think about the rings around the NASA logo and you were in the middle of them spinning around you, while you are also spinning around. It felt amazing! Next, we went to do archery with Mr. Mcleary. We all got to shoot three arrows at the target, it was hard, but fun. Later, we had dinner. We had pasta.

The next day, we woke up at 7:00am. We were all tired because we couldn’t go to sleep. We had toast for breakfast. I tried vegemite for the first time and it was very salty. The first activity we did was the giant swing. For the giant swing, you had to be attached to a rope and the people in your group would pull that rope until you said stop. Then you would be dropped. The max height was 16 metres. It was a bit scary, but l enjoyed it. Next, we did ponding. We went to a pond in the resort and caught a few insects and other living organisms. Some of the girls in my group found frog eggs. We also did rock pooling on the beach. It was exciting finding all the different animals.

On the last day, we had breakfast which was the same as the day before. The next activity we did was nature spotto. We had to find animals in the area. We also had to find letters around the resort that spelt Wallaby. This activity was lots of fun because we found lots of different types of birds around the lake. After, we got onto the bus and went to Nobbies Centre. We went on a broad walk and saw a penguin! It was really cute hiding in its hole. I saw a few rips in the water. Next, we went to a playground to play at for a while.

Overall camp was a fantastic experience. I cannot wait to go on another camp again next year! I hope the next people that go to Phillip Island enjoy themselves!

Ylhan 5A